Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TWD: Baking with Julia - Popovers

This is my first time making popovers and I am not sure I will be trying them again.  The outside was pretty crunchy and the insides were a bit too egg-y for my liking!  Maybe, if I cooked them at a lower temperature to start with and then a longer amount of time at the second lower temperature, that would make them more to my liking.  You have to cook them at 425 for 25 minutes, which I assume is what makes them pop, and then cook them for 15-20 more minutes at a lower temperature.  Maybe some day I might try them again, they were really easy to whip up.  Well here are a few pictures, and if you want to check out the recipe, the hosts were Paula and Amy.


  1. So sorry you didn't like them. I grew up with them and had them on Sundays with roast and gravy! (I am following you now)

  2. Nice pics! Too bad you didn´t like them. They are a bit eggy.

  3. These were a little bit of magic. Sorry they weren't a winner.

  4. Sorry these weren't a hit for you - they look like they came out well.

  5. Try topping them with some cheese before baking ~ makes them delish!

  6. They look beautiful, even though you didn't enjoy them.
