First, there is of course the family time spent making and decorating Christmas cookies! We got to spend some time with Mikey's parents and Zach on Sunday to decorate some amazing sugar and gingerbread cookies, we won't tell you how Zach killed his gingerbread man, but we had a great time! Then tonight it is off to my parents house for more cookie decorating, we went up a few nights ago and made a ton of cookies, and unfortunately we are forcing my mom to
Then, I grew up each year with an Advent calendar with the cheapo chocolate inside, and Mikey and I have continued this tradition, even though he just realized there wasn't a 25th day...
And since I said we took all the hand-me-down Christmas tree ornaments we could get, I thought I would show you a few of our favorites!
That is about it, the snow is almost all melted and it is going to be in the 50's this weekend! OH, did you hear we bought tickets to go to HAWAII? We are super excited! We are going to spend a week with my parents in Maui! It is only 47 days away, but whose counting really! Merry Christmas, we hope you all have a great day spent with family or friends or just a beautiful Christmas tree!